Sales Booster

a 5 days process to increase your Sales


A structured diagnosis of your status in 4* pillars of sales (skills, activity mgt, key customer mgt, quantity of activity, *negotiation opt.). Takes 4h from your CEO and Marketing director, 14h from your Sales management and 40h from 2 ΞΥΝ senior consultants.

Step Time Executives Involved
A Set up workshop 2h CEO, Sales Director, Marketing Director
B Customisation of protocol 16 ΞΥΝ preparation
C Salespeople skills diagnostic test 2h Sales people and Managers
D Activity management auditing 3h Sales Management
E Key customer management auditing 3h Key Accounts Management
F Market coverage 2h Sales Management
G Sales Booster workshop preparation 10h ΞΥΝ preparation
H Sales Booster Workshop 2h CEO, Sales Director, Marketing Director


2.500€ per each sales pillar - 9.000€ for a complete project

Additional VAT charges apply - Extra charges may apply for travel and hospitality if required - This quote refers to local geographies, we are pleased to provide international scope quotes upon review.

When you need that extra capacity in management or expertise, you will get what suits you with fast results because we use original protocols and have the capability to adjust them to your needs. If you also like things to last, we take care of efficient integration by working with you, to develop and apply solutions, rather than suggest things created in isolation. In a nutshell we own the protocols, deliver what you can use, walk together. Best quote we ever got from a customer: "calm pragmatism for an optimum approach".

Design & Delivery team

Romylos Politopoulos

Romylos Politopoulos
"Strategy purist"

Manos Roudas

Manos Roudas
"Move things"

Delivery team’s sales experience is quite significant, indicatively,. Multi industry: IT, FMCG food & Non food, Durable goods, Retail, Online, Market research and Consulting services, HORECA, Security services, Shipping, Lotteries, Banking and Insurance, Non profit. Multi level: Door to door, Retail front line, Account Management, Sales Management, Trade Marketing, Sales Director, CEO. And complemented by expertise in Marketing, HR and Business finance. All protocols are original and designed to work in a holistic way within sales function and across other functions.